I’m an artist born in Belgium and living in the UK, interested in making art that challenges conventional perspectives and encourages viewers to reconsider their relationship with the world, technology, and the consequences of human activities.
My varied practice navigates through the digital terrain to focus on key subjects of cultural and geo-political interest. I often produce books, films, photographic, and sculptural works that reflect on cultural and industrial infrastructures in a process involving extensive documentary research combined with the meticulous reconstruction of imagery from materials sourced online.
My work has featured in group shows at the Museum of Modern Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Centre Pompidou, Paris and Centre Pompidou Metz, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Hasselblad Foundation, Gothenburg, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, FOAM Amsterdam, and Turner Contemporary, Margate. I hold a Masters degree from Goldsmiths College in London and in 2013, was awarded the Infinity Award for Art by the International Center of Photography. I was shortlisted for the Deutsche Börse Photography Prize in the same year and in 2014, was on the shortlist for the Prix Pictet for my large-scale works focusing on landscapes carved by the oil and beef industries of America.
I’m a member of the ABC Artists’ Books Cooperative.
Detailed CV / Texts 2010–2015 / Subscribe to Mailing List
Contact me: mishkahenner@gmail.com Follow me: Instagram / Twitter
My varied practice navigates through the digital terrain to focus on key subjects of cultural and geo-political interest. I often produce books, films, photographic, and sculptural works that reflect on cultural and industrial infrastructures in a process involving extensive documentary research combined with the meticulous reconstruction of imagery from materials sourced online.
My work has featured in group shows at the Museum of Modern Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Centre Pompidou, Paris and Centre Pompidou Metz, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Hasselblad Foundation, Gothenburg, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, FOAM Amsterdam, and Turner Contemporary, Margate. I hold a Masters degree from Goldsmiths College in London and in 2013, was awarded the Infinity Award for Art by the International Center of Photography. I was shortlisted for the Deutsche Börse Photography Prize in the same year and in 2014, was on the shortlist for the Prix Pictet for my large-scale works focusing on landscapes carved by the oil and beef industries of America.
I’m a member of the ABC Artists’ Books Cooperative.
Detailed CV / Texts 2010–2015 / Subscribe to Mailing List
Contact me: mishkahenner@gmail.com Follow me: Instagram / Twitter
Cinesthesia: Museum Cinema and the Curated Screen, Garrett Stewart, Caboose
Photography After Capitalism, Ben Burbridge, MIT Press
Implication: An Ecocritical Dictionary for Art History, Alan C. Braddock, Yale University Press
I-PEEL: the International Political Economy of Everyday Life, James Brasset, Juanita Elias, Lena Rethel, Ben Richardson, Oxford University Press
Photographie contemporaine et anthropocène, Danièle Meaux, Filigranes éditions [Link]
The Devil's Fruit: Farmworkers, Health, and Environmental Justice, Dvera I. Saxton, Rutgers University Press
Isms: Understanding Photography, Emma Lewis, Taylor & Francis
Visual Sociology: Practices and Politics in Contested Spaces, Dennis Zuev, Springer
Forget Photography, Andrew Dewdney, MIT Press
Public Space/Contested Space: Imagination and Occupation, Ed. Sally O'Driscoll, Kevin D Murphy, Taylor & Francis
Radical Secrecy: The Ends of Transparency in Datafied America,Clare Birchall, University of Minnesota Press
Still Modern, Martin Iddon in ‘Darmstädter Beiträge zur neuen Musik: Band 25’, Ed. Michael Rebhahn & Thomas Schaefer, Schott [Link]
Aerial visibilities: towards a visual sociology of the sky, Gary Bratchford and Dennis Zuev, Visual Studies, Volume 35 [Link]
Gestures of Concern, Chris Ingraham, Duke University Press [Link]
Context and Narrative in Photography, Maria Short, Sri-Kartini Leet, Elisavet Kalpaxi, Taylor & Francis
The Handbook of Photography Studies, Gil Pasternak, Taylor & Francis
Conversations 3, Remi Coignet, The Eyes [Link]
Radical Architecture of the Future, Beatrice Galilee, Phaidon [Link]
On Photographs, David Campany, Thames & Hudson [Link]
Photography After Capitalism, Ben Burbridge, MIT Press [Link]
Killing for Show: Photography, War, and the Media in Vietnam and Iraq, Julian Stallabrass, Rowman & Littlefield
Potential Worlds: Planetary Memories and Eco-Fictions, Benjamin H. Bratton, T. J.. Demos, Reza Negarestani, Jussi Parikka, University of Chicago Press [Link]
Photography and Its Publics, Melissa Miles & Edward Welch, Bloomsbury USA
Slow Painting: Contemplation and Critique in the Digital Age, Helen Westgeest, Bloomsbury USA
Mediated Space, James Brown, RIBA Publications [Link]
Our Planet, Alastair Fothergill, Transworld Publishers
Media Archaeology and Intermedial Performance: Deep Time of the Theatre, Ed. Nele Wynants, Springer [Link]
Time for Mapping: Cartographic Temporalities, Eds. Sybille Lammes, Sam Hind, Clancy Wilmott, Chris Perkins, Alex Gekker, Daniel Evans, Manchester University Press
Food, Animals, and the Environment: An Ethical Approach,Christopher Schlottman, Taylor & Francis Civilization: The Way We Live Now, William A. Ewing, Holly Roussell, Thames & Hudson [Link]
1001 Photographs You Must See Before You Die, Paul Lowe, Octopus Publishing Limited [Link] A Chronology of Photography: A Cultural Timeline from Camera Obscura to Instagram, Thames & Hudson [Link]
Capitalist Realism, Penelope Petsini, University of Macedonia Press
Food Is the Solution: What to Eat to Save the World,Matthew Prescott, Flatiron Books
Rivoluzion, Ribellioni Cambiamenti Utopie, Silvana Editoriale [Link]
L'art au-delà du digital, Dominique Moulon, Nouvelles éditions Scala [Link]
Security and Privacy Management, Techniques, and Protocols, Yassine Maleh, IGI Global [Link]
The Focal Press Companion to the Constructed Image in Contemporary Photography, Marni Shindelman, Anne Leighton Massoni, Routledge [Link]
Understanding Photojournalism, Jennifer Good and Paul Lowe, Bloomsbury [Link]
1001 Photographs: You Must See Before You Die, Paul Lowe, Cassell
Photography and Collaboration: From Conceptual Art to Crowdsourcing, Daniel Palmer, Bloomsbury [Link]
Seizing the Light: A Social & Aesthetic History of Photography, Robert Hirsch, Focal Press [Link]
Transmedium: Conceptualism 2.0 and the New Object Art, Garrett Stewart, University of Chicago Press [Link]
Information and Communication Overload in the Digital Age, IGI Global [Link]
Let's Eat: Sustainable Food for a Hungry Planet, Kimberley Veness, Orca Book Publishers
Known and Strange Things, Teju Cole, Faber & Faber [Link]
Wasting Time on the Internet, Kenneth Goldsmith, HarperCollins [Link]
Afterimages: Photography and U.S. Foreign Policy, Liam Kennedy, University of Chicago Press [Link]
Watched!: Surveillance, Art and Photography, Louise Wolthers, Dragana Vujanovic, Niclas Östlind,Walther König [Link]
Courting Dissolution: Adumbration, Alterity, and the Dislocation of Sacrifice from Space to Image, Michael Lent, transcript Verlag [Link]
The Edge of the Earth: Climate Change in Photography and Video, Bénédicte Ramade, Black Dog Publishing [Link]
Behind the Camera, Prestel [Link]
Cities Interrupted: Visual Culture and Urban Space, Bloomsbury [Link]
Langford's Basic Photography, CRC Press [Link]
Qu'Est Ce Que La Photographie? Editions Xavier Barral [Link]
The Handbook of Textile Culture, Bloosmbury [Link]
Edges of the Experiment, Fw:Books [Link]
Design as Future-Making, Bloomsbury [Link]
Questa è Guerra? Marsilio [Link]
Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care, Elsevier [Link]
Landmark: The Fields of Landscape Photography, Thames & Hudson [Link]
Photography 4.0: A Teaching Guide for the 21st Century, Michelle Bogre, CRC Press [Link]
The Versatile Image: Photography, Digital Technologies and the Internet, Leuven University Press [Link]
The Hierarchy of Images: Chapter 1, Rorhof [Link]
Histoires de la Photographie, Jeu de Paume [Link]
Publish Your Photography Book, Princeton Architectural Press [Link]
Post-Photography, Laurence King [Link]
Manifeste! Eine Andere Geschichte der Fotografie, Steidl [Link]
Making Cultural History: New Perspectives on Western Heritage, Nordic Academic Press [Link]
Drone: The Automated Image, Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal, 13th edition, Kerber [Link]
Vues d'en Haut, Centre Pompidou [Link]
Fully Booked: Ink on Paper : Design & Concepts for New Publications, Gestalten [Link]
A Different Kind of Order: The ICP Triennial, International Center of Photography, Prestel [Link]
Deutsche Börse Photography Prize 2013, Photographers’ Gallery [Link]
From Here On, Arts Santa Monica [Link]
Various Small Books, MIT Press [Link]
Precious Commodities, Vice
Aneignung / Appropriation, Fotogalerie Wien [Link]
Extra: From Here On, Fotomuseum Antwerp
Aneignung, Teil I: Bildbefragung, Fotogalerie Wien
FotoGrafia – Festival Internazionale di Roma
From Here On, Les Rencontres d’Arles
Mutations: Perspectives on Photography, Paris Photo [Link]
Fotografen over Kunstmatige Intelligentie, Joris van den Eindern, Metropolis M, no 3, June-July 2024
Mishka Henner: The Conductor, Jack Nicholls, Corridor8 [Link]
Mishka Henner, Fantasmes Programmatiques, Fisheye, no 61 Septembre-Octobre 2023
LIVE REPORT: Fragments Of Sonic Extinction, Daryl Worthington, The Quietus, 16 May [Link]
Énergie, conflits, illusions, solutions, Le Monde Diplomatique, July 2023 [Link]
Les fantasmes programmatiques de Mishka Henner, Fisheye Magazine, Ana Corderot, October [Link]
Belgický umělec mění svět klávesou printscreen. Mishka Henner teď svá díla poprvé vystavuje v Praze, Kristýna Čermáková, Obnovitelně, 21 August [Link]
Mishka Henner: The Fertile Image, Benedicte Ramade, Billebaude, Numero 22
NEMÁM PISTOLI, MÁM POČÍTAČ, Pavel Turek, Respekt, 28 August [Link]
Mishka Henner: Feedlots, Luna Cornea, 38
Satelitní snímky odhalují destrukci krajiny kvůli jídlu a ropě, LENKA GLISNÍKOVÁ, Seznam Zprávy, Vyhledat, 29 August [Link]
Künstlerbücher zum Ukrainekrieg, Lilian Landes, Hypotheses, 21 April 2023 [Link]
The Persistence of the Documentary Photobook in the
Age of the Web, Julie Martin, AM Časopis za studije umetnosti i medija 28:65-76 [Link]
Les Monstres Hybrides de Mishka Henner, Claire Guillot, Le Monde, 26 August 2022 [Link / English translation]
«Free Lunch», une expo à l’œil en met plein la vue, Clémentine Mercier, Libération, 15 December 2020 [Link 1 / Link 2]
This Prophetic Virtual Choir Speaks to the Digital Dissonance of Modern Isolation, Elephant, 21 October 2020
Images of isolated people yearning to connect strike chord in SF gallery show, Tony Bravo, San Francisco Chronicle, 8 September 2020 [Link]
On Being the Only One in Fraenkel Gallery’s ‘I’m Not the Only One’, Sarah Hotchkiss, KQED, 21 September 2020 [Link]
Nantes. 29 visions du monde exposées au Lieu unique, ouest france [Link]
Overweldigende natuur, Het Financieele Dagblad, 2 July 2020 [Link]
«Planetary Memories»: Den Vögeln sind wir ziemlich egal, Gerhard Mack, NZZ am Sonntag 23 May 2020 [Link]
Fadenwürmer erobern die Welt, Ruth Vuilleumier, SeniorWeb Schweiss, 25 May 2020 [Link]
Mishka Henner Beleuchtet die Verbrechen der Fleischindustrie aus einer Ungewöhnlichen Perspektive, Magazin für Gegenkultur [Link]
Au centre d'art GwinZegal à Guingamp, les images des caméras se retournent contre les géants du web, Laurent le Fur, L'Echo de L'Armor et L'Argoat, 20 Decembre 2019 [Link]
Standardization, Censorship, Systems, Surveillance: Artist Perambulations Through Google Earth, Ila Nicole Sheren, GeoHumanities, 4(2) 2018, 397–416 [Link]
At Altitude at Towner Art Gallery, Eastbourne, The Times, Nancy Durrant [Link]
From cave paintings to cat videos: How animals have always inspired art, Telegraph, Hannah Duguid [Link]
A Record-Setting Man Ray and a Vandalized 'Trump l'oeil' Mark Paris Photo Week, ArtfixDaily [Link]
Google Earth me permet de travailler sur des dossiers géopolitique, Hugo Seraz [Link]
Coder le Monde, Art Press, Dominique Moulon [Link]
Googlescapes, Art Press, Etienne Hart
8 ways architects and artists are fighting climate change, CNN, Beatrice Galilee [Link]
‘Ocean of Images: New Photography 2015’ Review, Wall Street Journal, Richard B Woodward [Link]
¿Qué es la fotografía? El Periodico, Natalia Farre
Point First, Shoot Later, Barry Schwabsky, The Nation [Link]
Right Here Right Now, Bob Dickinson, Art Monthly [Link]
On Earth, Colin Pantall, Foam Magazine #44 [Link]
Op Ed, LA Times [Link]
Voorheen Fotograf, Laura Herman, Metropolis M, Dec 2015/Jan 2016
Public Life and the Private Screen: Mishka Henner’s No Man’s Land, Kate Albers, Circulation | Exchange [Link]
Mishka Henner Uses Google Earth as Muse, Philip Gefter, New York Times [Link]
Mishka Henner: Semi-Automatic at Bruce Silverstein Gallery, Helena Calmfors, Musee Magazine [Link]
Mishka Henner, Loring Knoblauch, Collector Daily [Link]
Mishka Henner and Jill Orr Performing to the all-seeing eye, Helen Vivian, Artlink [Link]
The Man Who Laughed At Surveillance Technology, Alex Greenberger, Art News [Link]
Semi-Automatic: Mishka Henner, Lara Atallah, Art Forum Critics' Pick [Link]
Modern History vol 1. Bob Dickinson, Art Monthly, June issue
Degrees of Visibility: Mishka Henner's Views From Above, Alicia Guzmán, Widok. Teorie i praktyki kultury wizualnej, Number 8
Portfolio, Prefix Photo, #31 [Link]
Mishka Henner: Bouncing Off Satellites, Falling to Earth, Dan Rule, Vault [Link]
Mishka Henner: Art as Geospatial Intelligence Gathering, Robert Shore, Elephant [Link]
Artforum cover, April 2015 issue
Words vs. Images, Teju Cole, Aperture [Link]
The Fifth Prix Pictet, Emma Crichton-Miller, Apollo Magazine [Link]
Mishka Henner: Black Diamond, Fatema Ahmed, Icon [Link]
Black Diamond, Louise Benson, postmatter [Link]
Black Diamond – Mishka Henner, George Vasey, Photographers' Gallery Blog [Link]
Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal, Christy Lange, Frieze [Link]
Kunst Für Eine Bessere Welt, ART
The Forum, BBC World Service [Link]
Mishka Henner on Lies, Leaks and the Commodification of Life, Blouin Artinfo [Link]
Snapshot: Centerfire Feedyard, Financial Times [Link]
The Art of Oil, The Observer Magazine [Link]
Above the Industrial Meat Machine, Wired [Link]
Origins Story, Through a Modern Lens, New York Times [Link]
Exposure, Mother Jones, Nov/Dec issue
War, Technology, Distance, Paul Wombell, British Journal of Photography [Link]
What Google Maps Can't See, New Yorker [Link]
Unbelievable Photos Show Factory Farms Destroying The American Countryside, Business Insider [Link]
Striking Satellite Photos Show What the Meat Industry Is Really Doing to America, .Mic [Link]
Texas Beef Industry Worried the EPA Is Cracking Down on Dumping Crap into Waterways, Dallas Observer [Link]
Kulturkampf in der Küche, Suddeutsche [Link]
Mishka Henner: a Duchamp for our times, The Telegraph [Link]
Centerfire Feedyard (2013) by Mishka Henner, Financial Times [Link]
Aerial Photos Capture Two Of America's Most Precious Resources: Oil And Beef, Fast Company [Link]
The Fine Art of Spying, Ellen Gamerman, Wall Street Journal [Link]
Feed Lots, Nicola Twilley, Edible Geography [Link]
What's the Point? Pavel Buchler, Source, Issue 75
Picking Up The Pieces, Chris Wiley, Aperture, August [Link]
Dutch Landscapes, Moritz Neumüller, European Photography, Number 93
Mishka Henner: Open Eye Gallery, Sarah James, Frieze, June [Link]
What’s Real Today (Check Again Soon), Holland Cotter, NY Times, May [Link]
Les Nouvelles Visions de la Ville, du Bauhaus a Google Earth, Beaux Arts, April
Do you really call this art?, Rob Cooper & Steve Robson, Daily Mail, April [Link]
Deutsche Börse Photography Prize: Mishka Henner, The Telegraph, April [Link]
Mashups and Moon Walkers, Adrian Searle, The Guardian, April [Link]
A Different Kind of Order: ICP Triennial, Jessie Wender, New Yorker, April [Link]
Eighteen Pumpjacks: A Look at Oil on the American Landscape, Time Magazine, 26 September [Link]
Big Oil Seems Downright Puny When Seen From Space, Wired Magazine, 16 October [Link]
These Horrifying Photos Show A Destroyed American Landscape That Agriculture Giants Don't Want You To See, Sydney Brownstone, Co.Exist [Link]
A look at two of Texas’ biggest exports from high above, Houston Chronicle, 13 August [Link]
Cinema's snappers reassembled Marclay-style, Phaidon, December [Link]
Less is More, Colin Pantall, British Journal of Photography, April [Link]
Mishka Henner's 'Less Americains' Digitally Erases Robert Frank, Katherine Brooks, Huffington Post, May [Link]
Retouching a Classic: ‘Less Américains’, Jeffrey Ladd, Time Magazine, March [Link]
Uendelig Opplag, Anngjerd Rustand, Vagant, March-May
Mishka Henner’s erased images: art or insult?, Sean O’Hagan, The Guardian, May [Link]
The Golden Age of Dutch Aerial Landscapes, Giampaolo Bianconi, Rhizome, June [Link]
Artistically censored Google Earth pix - the Dutch way, CNet, May [Link]
The solar system on paper, New Scientist, January [Link]
Beef & Oil, Vice magazine worldwide, December
Pump It Up, New York Times, 15 April
The Avant-Garde at the Net, Bauhaus, December
Google Earth Vous Regarde, Le Monde, 19 May
IMAGES EN LIGNE, Barbara Turquier, Esprit , Octobre 2011, No. 378, pp. 178-179
Dutch Landscapes, David Chandler, Photoworks, issue 17
Dutch Landscapes, Clément Chéroux, Mutations, Steidl
Virtueel Toerisme in de Woestijn, Toine Heijmans, De Volkskrant, 3 September
Fotograaf Zonder Camera, Hans Aarsman, De Volkskrant, 10 August
No Man’s Land, Source Magazine, issue 68 [Link]
Mishka Henner, Matthias Harder, Photography-Now Journal of Photography & Video Art, 4.11
Blind Leading the Blind, Diane Smyth, British Journal of Photography, August
Photographing the Prostitutes of Italy’s Back Roads, Prison Photography, August
Google’s Mapping Tools Spawn New Breed of Art Projects, wired.com, August
Google Street View and Authorship, Jorg Colberg, Conscientious, August
No Man’s Land, DVA Photo Magazine, May
From Here Flows the Artery of Life, OjodePez, Issue 25
Virtueel Toerisme in de Woestijn, De Volkskrant, 1 September
Fotografieprijs Kleine Hans voor Mishka Henner, De Volkskrant, 12 July
No Man’s Land, Guardian Magazine, 9 July
Dutch Landscapes, Spectrum, Sunday Times Magazine, 1 May
Photography Is, Joachim Schmid, Philosophy of Photography Journal
Arts Council England Collection [Link]
Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art
Bavarian State Library, Munich
Centre Pompidou, France [Link]
Cleveland Museum of Art
The Fidelity Corporate Art Collection
The Hoffman Collection, Texas
Metropolitan Museum of Art [Link]
The Morgan Library & Museum
Museum of Fine Arts, Texas
MoMA Artists’ Books Collection, New York
National Gallery of Art, Washington DC [Link]
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Missouri
Nevada Museum of Art
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
New York Public Library [Link]
Portland Art Museum, Oregon
Richard and Ellen Sandor Collection
Spencer Museum of Art, Kansas
Tate Collection of Artists’ Books [Link]
Tosetti Value per l’Arte
University of Salford Art Collection [Link]
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
William T. Hillman Collection